Monday, May 9, 2011

where sex with young children is not only allowed in the Qur’an, it is encouraged ?

Well, well, well. Apparently, Osama bin Laden’s successor, Ayman al-Zawahiri, is a paedophile! Par for the course with those holier-than-thou Muslim men, where sex with young children is not only allowed in the Qur’an, it is encouraged.

Old men using little children for sexual gratification…pedophilia? Is it wrong?

NO! It is normative Islam, rather than an aberration!

It is normative Islam because Mohammed did it. Therefore, pedophilia is ‘good’ for Mozmen and Moslems cannot condemn it.

Pedophilia is especially ‘good’ with kafir children, but poor Moz children in Islamic academies will do just fine.

Islam allows Mozman jihadists to perform almost any sexual perversion as long as it is done with ‘the rules of Sharia’ and as long as they ritually wash after the perverted, cruel act for prayer.

Pedophilia, rape of kafir women, anal sex with boys, bestiality…all are normative Islam. Just don’t do it with a married Moz woman or a GROWNUP Mozman. Anal sex with a grownup kafir is OK because it expresses Mozman supremacism.

Moz supremacism and fascism is ‘good’ because Mohammed did it.

That is sick. These are totally depraved “dirty old men” who know their power to maintain and promote their evil life style would come under scrutiny…. Their entire religion is based and maintained on perversion of the male sex organ….. Well that and a very high degree of insanity among them.
Further proof of a sick, perverted koran that encourages having sex with children and the American traitor iman soliciting prostitutes. And THESE are the people that other people listen too. Have great respect for. Way too much inbreeding by the population. Their brains are fried. Drop the big one and start over.

If the entire sane world was serious about waging TOTAL WAR on islam, it would be an easier task than you think.

First, Nuke Mecca and medina, 
and any other 
‘holy’ site outside of Jerusalem 
(it’s NOT their holy site anyway).

Obliterate the paki govt and army, and iran’s govt and army. Use the Air Force like never before. Unleash pure hell on them.

One day, it may come to that. And just so you know, that’s what islam has been wanting to do to us since the beginning.

Muslims behead a 9-year-old boy (WARNING: Graphic Images)

Then they hanged or beheaded the rest of his family. Yet another example of Muslim on Buddhist violence in a country where Muslims are only a small minority.

Live Leak - More than than 4000 people from police and teachers to monks and children have been killed in the past 7 years by Muslims in southern Thailand, but hardly a word in the mainstream media. In Southern Thailand Muslim gunmen continue killing and threatening innocent citizens. The Muslim insurgents have threatened to kill 20 teachers and have distributed fliers that said, “WANTED: 20 Deaths of Buddhist teachers.” Muslim terrorists object to the education system which teaches Buddhist culture that is not acceptable in Islam. The attacks are intended to force Buddhists to leave the region because Muslims want to create an independent Muslim nation in the three southern provinces.



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