Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wake Up USA OBAMA ???

Exclusive footage of Muslim female terrorist training camps in Pakistan

Burqa Bombers, coming soon to an airport security checkpoint near you where the TSA will be reluctant to give them enhanced screening because their Muslim religious sensitivities might be offended.

 I am reminded of the sick and crazy women of islam who have strapped bombs to themselves and blown up sites, and people in the name of the false god allah. One mother, of such an insane female suicide bomber, was so proud of her daughter for killing herself in the name of allah. The suicide female bomber had small children of her own and even then she blew herself up. How sick and depraved can you be to do this? No more special treatment for burqa bag covered muslims of either gender. islam is such a sick and perverted cult.

Another reason to BAN THE BURQA! Well at least they are not cooped inside with 9 children and an old man that beats and rapes them!!! Dying early, particularly as a Martyr is probably a better option! I heard that women in prison for being raped are given the option of being stoned to death and going to hell, or dying as a martyr? Great Choice!

As usual islam is on the razors cutting edge of womens they will have the honor of murdering innocent people in the name of the pedophile founder of true piety and righteousness.why does islam give such an honor to women?because the true religion is the best way for women to be liberated(from the bonds of life).once more islam makes the evil Christians and their puppet masters the Jews jealous.the true pious believers know many men in the west would love to strap bombs to their wives and daughters,but lack the strength that ar rahman gives to the faithful.this is real womens silly westerners you have alot to learn and a long way to go to catch up to the advanced muhanimal culture.suicide bomberettes are the wave of the future,no longer will wives and daughters be honor the battered and abused will kill for honor.the west is so far behind they need binoculars to read the license plate on the last camel.get a clue kuffirs islam knows the jealousy you feel.

Pakistan’s insider jihadists are now under the spotlight of the world.

If Pakistan fails to root them out, Pakistan has become a rogue state and a pariah by looking the other way when terrorists flourish within their borders.

Pakistan has a lot of questions to answer.

The Indian news readers seem to think these women are training to attack in India.
This is not new for the U.S. Some years back I viewed a video showing black American women going through jihadi training in one of the Muslims of America camps in this country. The last number I saw for these camps was 25, but that was a few years back. Last I heard the FBI had orders not to interfere with them

Afghan madrassas teach students to hate America

So much for winning hearts and minds. Might as well let the Taliban take over now, they will as soon as we leave anyway.

And they bring their sons, clutching tattered copies of the Quran, for lessons in hate at a religious school in Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital. It is a scene repeated day after day, as it has for centuries. The boys are following a path set by their fathers and their fathers before them. Their imam — or teacher — arrives. 

Some begin to beat their chests with fierce devotion. In this way, the imam says the boys will come to memorize the Quran until they can repeat the verses by heart. Girls are banned from their school. They tell me women should be behind doors at home. For them to go outside without a veil, they say, is filthy.

It is typical of such hard-line madrassas — schools that gave birth to the Taliban have often been a breeding ground for suicide bombers and continue to flourish today. The message of faith and God is mixed with a hatred of anything outside their own world. The boys have been raised on a steady diet of anti-western propaganda. They are taught to fear outsiders and reject anything but the strict teachings of Islam.

It’s a message they get straight from their teacher, the imam himself. ”God says we can never be friends with unbelievers. What do they know of our religion? We can never be friends,” he says.

These boys, at such a young age, already have an enemy: the United States. Tomorrow at dawn they will be back to that same mosque to hear how God is on their side.

Now that Libya and Tunisia have dumped tens of thousands of jihad-ready, young, Muslim male invaders into Italy, stretching its resources to the breaking point, female breeders and their anchor babies are arriving in droves, set to become permanent parasites on Europe’s welfare states. (And eventually, on America’s?)

A total of 1300 refugees form Libya, crammed into six boats, have landed on Italy’s tiny Mediterranean island of Lampedusa in the last twenty-four hoursa.  Some of the refugees accuse coastguards and NATO troops of illegally ignoring distress calls, despite spotting their boats from the air and sea.  Around 25,000 migrants have fled to Lampedusa this year alone to escape uprisings in North Africa.  Meanwhile, Europe fears a growing wave of migration and is discussing more stringent border controls and ways of sending the immigrants back home.

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