Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Muslim Basted beheaded beautiful little Iranian girl ????

Look at how young she is. What could she have possibly done in her short life to deserve this kind of Muslim brutality?

The first link might not work for you: Little Girl Beheaded in Iran

So try this: Little Girl Beheaded in Iran.flv

Islams bloody culture ??

DIdn’t look. There is no reason for anyone to have their head sawn off. Unless of course, you are a muzzie who has done that to people.Then you deserve it, with a little dull 6 inch steak knife.
Wow, I guess my true feelings are starting to come out!

Every ONE Must Kill 
A Muslim Save The World ?

BNI, I think she was murdered as either an example of the “power of allah” or as retribution for a perceived slight or wrong action by member (s) of her family.

She looks just like my daughter at her age. I grieve, deep in my heart, that this child will not contribute to Humanity as we would like to see her do. Maybe, by her death, she will awaken others to the hideousness of the Death Cult for Men, as Perceptor1 states. ( I think I have the reference right )
Children that age should be playing skip rope or hopskotch, and not lying on a morgue table. So many, so VERY many are losing Love’s Innocence at such tender ages.
The mooshits have a lot to answer for. I’m SURE that G-D does not take the death of his Little Ones lightly. I KNOW that Jesus doesn’t – Didn’t He say, “Anyone who would harm these little ones, It would be better for them to have a millstone around their neck, and be dumped in the sea~!” ???
One saddened, Grouchy old Fogie.
Every ONE Must Kill 
A Muslim Save The World ?

She’s beautiful! Only about 9 or 10. What could she have possibly done to deserve that? Notice it was all alleged MEN around her. What, did she not want to marry and be f^&*d by one of those ugly bastards?? May everyone else in that room burn in hell for eternity!

muslims are blood thirsty savages. I have to assume that once one commits such brutal f*cked up acts, that it must have a very strange effect on the psyche. They’ve been doing this for hundreds of years. Their flags have giant swords for a reason. Creepy creepy people. Savages. Peace is just not possible with monsters. Why does the West continue to insist on it?

These animals MUST be destroyed. A people with this islamic ideaology cannot be allowed to live among the human race. Take the children and destroy the young and older adults. Teach the children the truth and free the people from this demonic belief system. islam is vile and truly demonic inspired.

Every ONE Must Kill 
A Muslim Save The World ?
Honor killing, it would appear.
Children may be used for the sexual pleasure of old goats like Ayatollah Khomeini according to the contemptible PEDOPHILE whom the Iranian mullahs worship as a god!
The Iranian mullahs are the only GOVERNMENT in the world that officially SUPPORTS PEDOPHILIA!!!

And people have thought me heartless because speaking as an old, worn out warrior, I say, nuke them ALL, wipe their disease from the earth?
Did not the Almighty Himself on numerous occasions warn the Chosen that if they did NOT wipe out every living thing from the lands of some of the heathens who sacrificed their children to the demons, that the Israelis would never have peace?

What Western politician could actually think, ‘Yea, let’s bring that to our country. Let’s be a multicultural society.’ Sadly this muslim barbarity has already come to Europe and America and must be stomped out like a cockroach. Sooner the better.
She was probably a Christian, or mentioned something about Jesus.
This is how Christians are being treated worldwide.
Christians are suffering the world over for the faith, which Scripture foretold would happen. It’s just becoming increasingly evident as time goes along.

Christ’s return is not far off.
Not at all sounding like the guy who tried to predict the end would come on the “May 22,23″ time frame or whatever…but I do believe that we are getting near to the end, as we notice the persecution on not only the physical martyrdom level, but also on the spiritual warfare level, as well.

Atheists have waged an all out assault on the Christian message in America, and elsewhere.


Every ONE Must Kill 
A Muslim Save The World ?
Every ONE Must Kill 
A Muslim Save The World ?

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