Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Muslim girl, 19, ‘stoned to death after taking part in a beauty contest’

UKRAINE: Muslim girl, 19, ‘stoned to death after taking part in a beauty contest’

Police have opened a murder probe and are investigating claims that three Muslim youths killed Katya Koren claiming her death was justified under Islamic shari’a law.

A teenage Muslim girl was stoned to death under ‘Sharia law’ after taking part in a beauty contest in Ukraine. Katya Koren, 19, was found dead in a village in the Crimea region near her home. Friends said she liked wearing fashionable clothes and had come seventh in a beauty contest. Her battered body was buried in a forest and was found a week after she disappeared.

One of the three Muslim murderers – named as 16-year-old Bihal Gaziev – is under arrest and told police she had ‘violated the laws of Sharia’. Gaziev said he had no regrets about her death because she had violated the laws of Islam.

Previous stoning of another young girl in Iraq

 Up to 1000 men from the Yezidi Kurdish community of Mosul killed a teenager who’s only crime was running away to marry a man whom she loved. In a short mobile video clip which appears to have been taken by locals at seen of the murder, the girl is seen being ambushed on her way home by a group of up to 1000 men who were waiting for her to return; the men killed her in the most brutal way possible, by throwing large stones on her head. The following clips show that while she is alive and crying for help she is taunted and kicked in her stomach until someone finishes her off by throwing a large stone on her face.

  • my god u ppl are idiots
    look at the description
    those people are not Muslims, the are (Yezidi) devil worshipers, they killed the girl because she wanted to marry a Muslim guy and convert to Islam
    (she got killed because she wanted to convert to Islam)

  • So these are the practicioners of the "religion of peace"? Islam is a sick, backwards faith practiced by low life scum. This girl was innocent and did not deserve this brutal punishment. Clearly there's no room for love or forgiveness in Islam. Until the "moderate" muslims reign in their sick brethren and stop this type of behavior, Islam will always be the religion of beasts in my view.

    Posted Nov-25-2008 By 

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  • The most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my life... I think they all should suffer for barbaric behavior..... lost for words...

  • This is what is called "allah" -a fallen ghost. The semites are barb-Aryans, degenerates of the Aryans. Alongside with the gypsies are OUTCASTES and were obliged to follow EVIL SPIRITS during the sacral VEDA state.

  • typicall muslim behaviour....pffffffffff i guess theydont eat pigs because they aren�t cannibals. poor muslim stinky bastards.

  • FATHER please have mercy on the lil girl soul. Those men over there are heartless.

  • USA allies. boy we sure can pick um'.

  • I despair for humanity...

  • This is the most disturbing thing I have ever seen. I feel sick that poor, poor girl.

  • saddam was right...chemical ALI did the right thing on Kurds....

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