Thursday, May 19, 2011


Hey, it’s about time a Muslim got charged with a hate crime in this country. Saudi ‘terrorist-in-training,’ Nuha Mohammed Al-Doaifi, 21, is an engineering student at Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne, FL apparently is not a fan of white people or America.

The Blaze - Nuha, who’s from Saudi Arabia, is facing hate crime charges after she allegedly spat on several white people at a local Palm Bay Walmart. She said a “higher authority” made her do it and told police it was because “Americans are pushing us around.” (So, then stay the hell out of America, you Muslim bitch)
The incident apparently started when Nuha was using her cart to enter the store through the exit door. After repeatedly ramming the door, Terry Rakowski — another shopper — tried to help Nuha out by telling her she was using the wrong door. That’s when the spitting started.
“She just spit all over me. All I was trying to do was tell her she was coming in through the out door. She was just ramming it into the door,” Rakowski told Florida Today. “She then looked at me and said, ‘Yes I did,’ then walked off. … [T]his really bothered me last night. You just don’t know what she might be capable of.”
Nuha was originally arrested on a charge of misdemeanor battery. But now officials have added a hate crime enhancement considering her comments.
“Her actions were directed at random people based on their ethnicity, and that’s according to her own statement,”Yvonne Martinez, spokeswoman for the Palm Bay Police Department, explained to Florida Today. She also spit at another customer who apparently got too close. That wad missed, however. But according to Martinez, Nuha has a history of spitting.
“She’s also had an incident with one of her Florida Tech professors,” Martinez said. “She also spit at the professor.” She added that, “They have initiated procedures to have her sent back to Saudi Arabia.” (Excellent!)

Iran has executed an Israeli-born Jewish woman along with her Armenian Christian husband.

INN -(H/T Maria) -The Human Rights Activists News Agency reported that Adiva Mirza Soleyman Kalimia and her husband Varjan Petrosian were hung back on March 14 at Evin Prison. According to the report, three other people, including one woman and two men, were also executed at the same time. The report noted that the executions were done secretly.


Adiva Mirza Soleyman Kalimia was born in Jerusalem in 1956 to an Iranian-Jewish family, said reports. She resided in Miami for several years, and visited Iran three times in recent years before being arrested and put in prison.
The agency quoted a Revolutionary Court as confirming the executions but refusing to provide further details about surrendering the bodies for burial. The report added that relatives of the dead who tried to recover the bodies for burial were threatened with arrest. The agency said that it is unknown what the executed prisoners were charged for, but the official cause of Kalimia’s arrest was reportedly adultery.

Earlier Video of a different woman and a few men being hanged in Iran as the audience cheers.

 “The First Three to Five Seconds: Arab and Muslim Cultural Awareness for Law Enforcement” is an outrageous example of the U.S. government appeasing the very worst elements of Islam, even at the expense of our own laws and values.

COUNTER CONTEMPT - This training film not only instructs law enforcement officers to obey Sharia gender rules when conducting investigations, it’s also a flagrant piece of pro-Islamic propaganda that presents Muslim gender discrimination as proof of Islam’s “strong connection to God.”
“The First Three to Five Seconds” was initially developed by the Department of Justice, and it’s now used by both the DOJ and the Department of Homeland Security to train all of their law enforcement personnel. “The First Three to Five Seconds” is described on the DHS website as a film that “introduces law enforcement officers to basic principles of the Arab American and Muslim American cultures.” However, the DHS description hardly does this instructional film justice.
To begin with, there is the outright pro-Islam propaganda. Naturally, all religions see their tenets and customs in a positive light. But it’s not the job of the United States government, in a taxpayer-funded film, to produce religious propaganda which claims that one
particular religion’s tenets and customs somehow make that faith “closer to God.”

“The First Three to Five Seconds” opens with the Muslim call to prayer. The narrator proclaims, “In order to keep a strong connection with God, Islam prescribes that believers pray five times a day.” The narration continues, instructing law enforcement officers:
“If you visit a mosque, be aware that there are separate entrances to the prayer sections for females and males as an extension of modesty. To keep their minds on the worship of God, men and women pray in separate sections.”
Islamic gender segregation is due to an intense, virulent, and pervasive anti-female bias within the faith – something negative, not positive. Yet “The First Three to Five Seconds” uses taxpayer money to promote a positive view of Muslim gender segregation.
Where “The First Three to Five Seconds” hits absolute rock bottom is in its instructions to law enforcement officers, should they have to visit a Muslim home during the course of an investigation. Startlingly, the film tells officers not to enter a Muslim home if there is an adult female occupant who is not in the presence of a Muslim male! The film provides a dramatization in which a male officer knocks on the door of a home. An adult female in a hijab answers meekly, informing the policeman that her husband is not home, so she cannot speak to the officer or allow him inside. The narrator says, “This might seem suspicious,” but, he reassures the viewers, it is indeed “inappropriate” to enter a Muslim house in a situation like that. The officer is shown turning around and leaving.
This is nothing more than the U.S. government advocating gender discrimination, pure and simple. Sharia may demand the segregation of the sexes, but U.S. law forbids preventing someone from doing their job solely on account of their gender.
This is the Justice Department violating U.S. law. Think about it; the DOJ and the DHS are telling law enforcement officers that they may NOT carry out an investigation if doing so requires them to be in a house alone with a Muslim of the opposite sex. This is not only an insult to law enforcement…it’s a grotesque negation of core American (and Western) values.

In the closing credits, one of the organizations thanked for its assistance in the making of the film is the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center, the Hamas-connected mosque at which current al-Qaeda commander Anwar al-Awlaki served as Imam.
“The First Three to Five Seconds” can be viewed in full below. Or, to view it on the DHS website, click here. On the DHS site, the film is split into two parts. The first part slams the U.S. for “negative stereotypes” of Muslims in the media.
After the viewing, the DHS will present you with a questionnaire, to find out if you have properly absorbed the message of the film. You’ll then be asked to submit the completed form to the DHS. As your tax money paid for the film, by all means, feel free to let them know what you thought of it (but be mindful that the Obama Administration is fond of collecting “enemy” emails). READ MORE

GREAT NEWS! There actually are some ‘anti-Islam’ professors in our universities

Of course, the writer of this hit piece in the Huffington Post doesn’t see this as good news, as he titled it, ‘Is your professor an Islamophobe?’ But readers of BNI certainly will. Apparently there’s a ray of hope for some sanity in the liberal cesspools that dominate most universities. Who knew?

Oh what a surprise, the author of this article is named Abdulrahman El-Sayed
HUFFPO - Satoshi Kanazawa is an evolutionary psychologist and professor at the London

School of Economics. Although his research as a scientist has ruffled some feathers in the past, his attempts as a “public intellectual” are indisputably inflammatory. In a recent article entitled,“What’s Wrong with Muslims” published in his blog hosted by Psychology Today, Kanazawa wrote:
“Major Nidal Malik Hasan is a native-born American citizen, trained military officer, and educated MD and psychiatrist. Yet none of these things matters for him; first and foremost, he is a Muslim…They are all united in their values and goals by their singular identity of being Muslims. It’s tempting to dismiss these observations by saying that [he and others implicated in terrorism plots] are all ‘extremists’ or ‘Jihadists.’ That would be politically correct and comforting, but factually inaccurate.”
In his very next article he boasts:
“No, not all Muslims are terrorists, but…half of Muslims worldwide are terrorists and active supporters of terrorism, who would encourage their sons, brothers, and nephews to blow themselves up in an airplane or in a crowded market.”
According to a Psychology Today blog posting by Satoshi Kanazawa
“Barack Obama is Muslim simply because his father was Muslim, citing evolutionary psychology.  Kanazawa claims that there is a genetic component to religion that is as heritable as race, claiming “People who think Obama is Christian must believe Michael Jackson is white.”
Even BNI posted a story by Kanazawa: renowned-psychologist-says-muslims-become-suicide-bombers-because-they-dont-get-laid-enough

In their childish way of putting people with whom they disagree down, here's a chart of the level of hatred that liberals have for Kanazawa
 Kanazawa is just one in a growing number of academics using his intellectual identity to promote intolerance and xenophobia (aka telling the truth) against Islam and Muslims. In a recent article entitled “Going Muslim”, Tunku Varadarajan, professor at the Stern School of Business at New York University and graduate from my current institution, Oxford University, describes what “Going Muslim” might mean:
“This phrase would describe the turn of events where a seemingly integrated Muslim-American–a friendly donut vendor in New York, say, or an officer in the U.S. Army at Fort Hood–discards his apparent integration into American society and elects to vindicate his religion in an act of messianic violence against his fellow Americans.”
 Academics engaged in public discourse have long enjoyed an air of objectivity, a level of sophistication and nuance that raises the stature of their commentary above that of the average talking head in the corporate media.

Unfortunately, as the pseudo-intellectual quotes above demonstrate, this image of unemotional, reasoned thinking can also be abused. Driven by recent truths (at least he admits it’s truth) regarding the demographic profiles of terrorists in the news, the seeming freefall in media standards (How is telling the truth a downfall?) in ethics and responsibility in reporting, and a clear personal prejudice against Muslims, academics like Kanazawa and Varadarajan have joined the feeding frenzy against Islam and Muslims in the media.
Although the fundamental messages portrayed in the public musings of academics are no different from the crude ramblings of a Glenn Beck or a Rush Limbaugh, they are many times more damaging. With PhDs and daunting lists of academic publications to their names, academics are perceived to carry the weighty, objective backing of “knowledge” and “science” by the lay-public, so bigoted, ignorant opinions on their parts are taken as justification to those who already hold skewed perspectives and hateful opinions about Islam and Muslims. Thus these academic dogmatists cloak (perhaps under their PhD hoods) the fire of Islamophobia with the cool, measured tones of objectivity. (He totally discounts the fact that the hatred is based on actual barbaric actions by Muslims)
When academics choose to denigrate a particular demographic, curbing to an appetite fed by entrenched hate and the opportunity for an agreeable, well-primed readership, they betray the responsibilities of their training. As a doctoral student and future academic, I’m trained to consider and reconsider ideas–to tease them apart and examine them honestly and unemotionally: to use reason in pursuit of truth. In fact, it is this objective, unabashed quest for the discovery and dissemination of truth that makes academia so appealing.(For these leftie so-called intellectuals, it’s only the truth when they agree with it)
Clearly, there is nothing honest, unemotional, or true about the assertions that 50% of Muslims are active supporters of terrorism, or that every Muslim-American is just waiting to discard “his apparent integration into American society” to lash out at innocent Americans whom we call neighbors and friends. (And you know this because why? Some Muslim told you?)

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