Saturday, May 28, 2011

Muslims are not fit to live in the West ???

It isn’t just that Muslims are  Responsible for an inordinately high amount of crime, much higher than their population numbers should warrant, it’s that the rest of the Muslims never speak out against their co-religionists even when they commit the most heinous crimes

Afghanistan isn’t the only place Muslims Attack Male teachers for teaching Girls ?

 BBC - Gary Smith, 38, was beaten as he walked to Central Foundation Girls’ School in Bow, east London, last July. The gang left him unconscious after attacking him with a metal rod and a brick, Snaresbrook Crown Court heard. They pleaded  guilty to GBH with intent and were ordered to serve jail sentences of four or five years.


The court heard how the men were only caught because Hussein’s car was being bugged on an unrelated matter. Hussein, who had a niece at the school, was heard to say: “He’s mocking us and he’s putting thoughts in people’s minds. ”How can somebody take a job to teach Islam when he’s not even a Muslim himself?”
Hussein was also recorded as saying he did not care if he had to go to prison over the attack as he was doing it for the sake of Allah.
They pleaded guilty to GBH with intent and were ordered to serve jail sentences of four or five years. Judge John Hand QC said he believed the four remained a danger to the public because of their extreme religious beliefs. A fifth defendant, Badruzzuha Uddin, 24, of Shadwell, east London was jailed for two years after admitting a charge of assisting the attack.

  • “One of the most important single things to understand in the context of the brewing conflict between Europeans and Muslims is that Islamic terrorists either do not operate under moral constraints, or operate under constraints so loose that we, from our cultural perspective, can scarcely recognize them as restraints at all. Those Muslims motivated to kill in service of their religion seem to have very little in the way of a reluctance to kill civilians.”
  • @EphraimManasseh we r not the ones tht allow gays we dont drink alchohol or smok weed we hav good manners
    wen someone invades our land we fight bak
    we pray 5 times
    we fast
    we giv charity to the poor
    everything i just said u do the opposite
    so i think u are the satan worshippers
    hav u ever seen a muslim kill som random infidal for no reason with ur own eyes
  • Am I a "racist", when I say NO to Islam and Sharia law with teaching the gospel?
    Matthew 7: 1-16
    2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged...
    1 John 2:
    7 Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but AN OLD COMMANDMENT which ye had FROM THE BEGINNING (=Genesis).
    => GENESIS 4:
    15 Whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.
  • @EphraimManasseh The problem is not just Islam, it is religion as a whole!
  • The sons of Satan strike again. Satan (called Allah by Muslims) teaches his children to be intolerant, hate and murderous against their non-Muslim brother. Islam kills.

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