Tuesday, May 17, 2011

FUCK shari’a law of Muslims Sucks to word ???

Even though it was just reported that the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils request to permit shari’a law was rejected by the Federal Government, a sheik and Muslim leaders yesterday said shari’a was already being used secretly to end hundreds of marriages a year. Shari’a is also being used by imams in cases of business disputes and neighborhood fights.

 -(H/T David H)- The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils also asked the Government to fund halal and kosher meat outlets and even Muslim schools and for state schools to have special sports uniforms for female Muslim students. (These filthy ragheads have chutzpah, gotta give’em that)
“If the Government and politicians cannot recognise this as essential, it should no longer accuse the Australian Muslim community of intentionally living in enclaves,” the submission said.
Sheik Moussaab Legha, from the Islamic Welfare Centre in Lakemba, in 

Sydney’s west, said panels of imams oversaw hundreds of sharia divorces at a mosque in the city. They first try to persuade the couple to stay married, Sheik Legha said. If a woman pursues a divorce in the Family Court but is not religiously divorced under sharia, the Muslim community and countries with sharia still see her as married.
Sheik Legha said people who are divorced under sharia by imams at the Greenacre mosque receive a certificate. “It is after the Family Court. The religious way needs to be finalised,” he said. ”Most of the time it is like a normal courtroom. You have the imams on one table, you have 
the family of the woman, you listen to both [sides], to the problems.”
University of Technology Sydney academic Jamila Hussain said religious divorces were carried out at two mosques because for some women a Family Court divorce is not enough.

Muslim community advocate Keysar Trad has witnessed a sharia divorce in Sydney but he said sharia law was also being used to settle workplace and neighbourhood disputes.
“Really, anything that does not have a criminal element,” Mr Trad said of the use of sharia law by Sydney imams. (Under shari’a, honor killings, stonings,  floggings, limb amputations for stealing aren’t considered criminal)


Australia says NO: Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told to get out of Australia, again, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks. Australian Muslims are angered that some Australian government officials support spy agencies monitoring the nation’s mosques. ‘IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT.. Take It Or Leave It.

AU NEWS - THE GILLARD Government has quickly moved to block calls for sharia law to be introduced in Australia.
In its submission to the parliamentary inquiry into the government’s new multiculturalism policy, The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils has called for Muslims to be granted “legal pluralism”. It argued a mild brand of sharia should be allowed in family law and divorces, promising it would fit in with Australian values. (A MILD brand of shari’a is like being a little pregnant)
But Attorney-General Robert McClelland stomped on the request today arguing there was no “place for sharia law in Australian society” and that the government strongly rejected any proposal for its introduction.
“As our citizenship pledge makes clear, coming to Australia means obeying Australian laws and upholding Australian values,” Mr McClelland said. He also argued Australia’s brand of multiculturalism promotes integration. “If there is any inconsistency between cultural values and the rule of law then Australian law wins out,” he said.
Mr McClelland is keen to assert Australia’s position as a “stable democracy” where “rule of law” underpins society. “People who migrate to Australia do so because of the fact that we have a free, open and tolerant society where men and woman are equal before the law irrespective of race, religious or cultural background.”
 The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils had in a submission to a parliamentary inquiry into the government’s new multiculturalism policy argued that Muslims should enjoy “legal pluralism”.
In an interview with The Australian, the organisation’s president, Ikebal Adam Patel, who wrote the submission, nominated family law and specifically divorce as an area where moderate interpretations of sharia could co-exist within the Australian legal system.
In the submission, the AFIC acknowledges some Muslims believe Islamic law is immutable, regardless of history, time, culture and location.  The AFIC argues this is not the case and sharia can be applied in a way that fits in to Australia and is not extreme. (Nah uh, give then an inch, they’ll take a head)
“This means most of the regulations in Islamic law may be amended, changed, altered, and adapted to social change … Islamic law is changeable according to the requirements of different places and times, and therefore suits the values shared by Australian people,” the submission says. (CRAP!)
A hardline reading of sharia confers unilateral divorce rights on men, while women who initiate divorce are stripped of their property and financial entitlements. A more moderate interpretation and common practice in Islamic countries is to recognise divorce by mutual consent. (The is no moderate Islam. Period)
In the interview, Mr Patel said: “I’m saying that instead of letting the extremists within Islam take over the agenda, we are saying there is a path whereby it will work for all the communities in a moderate way.(Islam is Islam, in all its extremism, according to honest Muslims  when you can find one)
“It is important for someone who is Muslim or a practising Jew that aspects of our religion which can be incorporated within the greater legal system are introduced.  This is about personal issues about family, and won’t affect any other Australian,” he said.(Not yet, anyway, give it time)
In its submission to the inquiry, the AFIC says criticisms of sharia as being biased against women and treating them as second-class citizens are wrong.  “It is important for Muslims to seriously consider this criticism,” the submission says. ”But it is also important for the Australian government to respect the rights of Muslim women who want to keep and maintain the way they dress, eat and interact with others, as long as such behaviour does not inflict harm to others … It takes two to tango.”
Mr Patel says the AFIC, as the peak body of Islamic organisations in Australia, “strongly supports that multiculturalism should lead to legal pluralism . . . and twin tolerations”. (Throw this bastard out of the country, he is a traitor)
The submission cites regulations governing Islamic finance and halal certification in Australia as examples of how legal pluralism can work. (Bite me)


  • Lol this is a funny clip of pure Aussie editing bullshit. Just keep partying and sipping away at your grog and watching your tv shows and keep fornicating, you have you shitty tradition and us Muslims have ours, we ALL came here as migrants and this country is for ALL hate it or love it.
  • @hudfadz
    All you have is a delusional mind that has been brainwashed by that perverted book called the koran.
    Australia is not for you even if you were born here, now get the fuck out of here you wanker.
  • Fight the good fight, krissyeh. I just wish there was somewhere in the anglosphere where one could go to get away from the mental illness that ia Islam, (England is doomed, given that the most common baby name is now Muhammad, puke and vomit be upon him). Successive governments have committed national suicide allowing this situation to come to pass. Clearly Australia is no sanctuary from this madness either.
  • @rahotep101
    I will fight these deluded fools till the day I die. It is about time that our government grew some balls and sent these wankers packing to a country that loves this deluded so-called religion, even if they were born here. They might call themselves Australians but they are not and I say that for ALL muslims here.
  • @krissyeh I was just thinking about this comment and slightly regretting the harshness of it, after seeing something about how Egyptian Muslims were defending their Coptic compatriots during their Mass. Obviously Muslims are not all intolerant fanatics, but we should not be shy about calling out those that are. These white converts are just mentally ill, biting the hand that feeds them, attacking the system that allows them freedom, and that allows people to live and let live.
  • @rahotep101
    Sorry if it offended you but that is how I feel about islam from a womans point of view. In fact I hate all religions, I am one of those victims of the catholic church when I was a young person and also in later life for other reasons, eg forced to leave a job for one. I have also been attacked both verbally and physically (spat on) by a couple of muslim men a few years ago. In my professional life I have seen the results of what a muslim husband has done to his wife and they were..
  • @rahotep101
    ... suppose to be moderate muslims. Muslim men do not treat their women as equals in any part of daily life, for their so-called holy book tells them that they are superior to women and all women must obey all muslim men.
    The world would be a much better place if religion/religions/gods/god were never made up and they were made up by deluded men.

Ibrahim Siddiq Conlon - The Man, The Lies, The Delusions 


  • SierroB: Lol..are you in love with br. Ibrahim?? WHy do you spend so much time with him? leave him alone; He is far better looking than you and more famous than you. kafir. Ibrahim has the support of a lot of Muslims so dont worry about what the kuffar and munafiqeen say., He is a great speaker and I once saw him convert 2 people on stage. ALlahu Akbar!
  • @PinkLadyNiqab Hi Shannon! Didn't think you'd simply cut and paste these "stealth" comments.
    How's "dressup" going? Pretending to be "PinkLadyNiqab" working out for you?
    Say, is cross-dressing allowed? I know as a muslim you can't wear silk because, well it's just too damn sensuous and may weaken your "manly powers", so I guess the niqab you're hiding behind is, in this weather, cotton?
    What about the debate Shannon? Try someone not as nice as Jack ;-)
  • @PinkLadyNiqab Since you have a cameo part, thought you might be interested -
  • excellent channel & excellent vid glad to see our exposure of this socialy & mentally inept pig has come to prevalence, He is clearly delusional, hypocritical, & insane, He has openly stated that he is a supporter of terrorism & is also a Staunch Jihadist, He has openly stated that the killing of Australian & coalition troops is excellent & he praises Al quada for their efforts, Shariah in Australia? i think not he has dug his own hole & he clearly has more mouth than brains, report him to ASIO
  • @shariah4pigs Thanks for the comments :) I couldn't believe in his last video when he includes 2 of the most wanted men on the planet, Bin Laden and al-Zawahiri, in his video along with a shot of the Twin Towers. I'm beginning to think he may be, well let's say, "unwell"?

Top Comments

    The truth is that islam is a collection of 7th century bedouin traditions embellished with Muhammed's lies to justify his own amoral behaviour (eg murder, paedophilia, rape, misogyny, polygamy).
    He conned ignorant uneducated, illiterates by promoting himself as a prophet for the sake of his own self-aggrandisement. Muslims are using a book full of false premises (Qur'an) to kill innocent people. They also use taqiyya to cover up that truth.
    See proof from an Imam @ myspear.org
    Since we are talking about an alleged "holy book", that 1 sentence is the only one that truly matters because it completely destroys all validity of everything in the Qur'an and the credibility of Muhammed himself.
    He actually confessed to fabricating lies and being a false prophet. So, this 1 sentence proves that Islam is a falsified religion and that the Qur'an cannot possibly be regarded as a genuine religious text.

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