Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wake Up Obama Basted :- Islamic terrorists have a new way to blow up planes

Muslim family making pilgrimage to Mecca was hauled off their flight by armed police after relative told airline they had swallowed explosives set to detonate in mid-air.

The TSA today is warning about terrorists using surgically implanted bombs to blow up planes. This story indicates that the TSA doesn’t necessarily have the most current information about Islamic terrorism in the air.
UK DAILY MAIL (H/T Lee S) -A Muslim family were pulled off a flight from Heathrow to Mecca by armed police after officers had been tipped off they were suicide bombers. They were on their way to make the traditional Hajj pilgrimage which all devout Muslims are required to do once in their lifetime. 
Two 999 calls were made that day by a distant member of the same family who warned that the father, mother and son were from Afghanistan, very religious and had links to Al Qaeda, a jury was told. Furthermore, the caller Golan Azimi, 48, said the father and son had swallowed a liquid which would explode in mid-air.
Armed police then stopped the family in front of other passengers at the departure gate in November last year.But officers quickly realised the information was false and the family was able to board the flight they intended to take, with 40 other pilgrims,  but were very humiliated.’
Police traced the caller, Azimi, who admitted making two calls to tip off police, but said he genuinely believed information he had been given was ’100% true’. Azimi, who pleaded not guilty, told the jury the information had been given to him by a man who had pledged him to secrecy.
‘He said there were liquids that you can put in your body and they are timed to blow up. I asked if he was trying to be funny, but he was very serious. Anyone who heard him would have believed him. ’For two nights after that I could not sleep. I thought if I did not report it and people died I would have it on my conscience for the rest of my life. 
On Tuesday at Luton Crown Court a jury cleared Azimi, from Stratford, East London, of making a bomb hoax call. The jury of seven men and five women took less than an hour to return a unanimous not guilty verdict to the charge of communicating false information with intent.

Latest news about Muslims surgically implanting explosives in human bodies

Gee, BNI has been reporting these stories for nearly 2 years. Nice of the TSA to finally get around to it.

The Blaze - The U.S. government is warning airlines that some terrorists are considering surgically implanting explosives into humans to carry out attacks. There is no intelligence pointing to a specific plot, but the U.S. has shared this information with executives at domestic and international carriers.

The Transportation Security Administration says that people traveling to the U.S. from overseas may experience additional screening at airports. (BEND OVER! Here come the cavity searches)
Placing explosives and explosive components inside humans is not a new idea. But a U.S. security official says there is new intelligence pointing to a fresh interest in using this tactic. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive security information.
(So does this mean they will be profiling and screening young Muslim male passengers and women/men in burqas more carefully? Don’t hold your breath. But watch out white-haired old Grannies and little Susies)

MUSLIMS AGAINST CRUSADES want to establish three independent states within Britain, with shari’a law only, no British law

They already have one Islamic state in Tower Hamlets. Now they want two more in Dewsbury and Bradford. How long before they take over the entire country?

UK DAILY MAIL (Lee S) -The notorious Muslims Against the Crusades (MAC) group have named Yorkshire towns Bradford and Dewsbury and Tower Hamlets in East London as testbeds for blanket sharia rule. The medieval ‘emirates’ would operate entirely outside British law, according to a document on the MAC website.

The MAC group, led by Abu Assadullah, was set up last year and has become notorious because of its violent protests, most provocatively burning poppies during the Remembrance Day silence.
Typical gathering of Muslims Against Crusades:

Under the heading ‘Muslims should set up Islamic emirates in the UK’, MAC says: ‘We suggest it is time that areas with large Muslim populations declare an emirate delineating that Muslims trying to live within this area are trying to live by the sharia as much as possible with their own courts and community watch and schools and even self sufficient trade.
‘Likely areas for these projects might be Dewsbury or Bradford or Tower Hamlets to begin with. ’In time we can envisage that the whole of the sharia might one day be implemented starting with these enclaves.’
London 7/7 bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan lived in Dewsbury, which has battled to diffuse extremism in recent years. In 2007, it was alleged that a number of Muslims in Dewsbury were running an illegal Islamic court from a school and similar claims have been made in Tower Hamlets and Bradford. 
Tower Hamlets council was last year accused of falling under the control of extremist groups following a documentary by the Daily Telegraph journalist Andrew Gilligan.

The plan is part of the MAC’s response to the government’s revised Prevent strategy to combat Islamic extremism. In its document, called Islamic Prevent, the Muslims also call for an end to CCTV cameras in and around mosques.
It says: ‘Muslims must get rid of all CCTV cameras from Muslim institutions. Sadly many mosques have today adopted CCTV cameras to spy on Muslims on behalf of the police and local authorities.’
Other inflammatory instructions include demanding the release of all Muslim prisoners, a ban on Muslims joining the police or armed forces and a rejection of British democracy.

The document ends: ‘We can conclude that measures by the UK government are nothing more than an attempt by them to strip the Muslim community of their Islamic identity and to integrate them into the non-Islamic way of life.’ 
The revised Prevent programme, announced last month, is aimed at tackling home-grown terrorism and radicalisation of students. It demands stricter controls on extremist literature and a more proactive approach by universities to prevent extremism.

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