Sunday, July 10, 2011

How deep in bed with terrorists does the President of the United States have to be before it can be considered treason?

The Obama Regime chose the eve of the holiday marking our Nation’s birth to acknowledge publicly behavior in which it has long been stealthily engaged to the United States’ extreme detriment:  Its officials now admit that they are embracing the Muslim Brotherhood.  That would be the same international Islamist organization that has the destruction of the United States, Israel and all other parts of the Free World as its explicit objective.

CENTER FOR SECURITY POLICY -To understand why the Obama administration’s embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood is so ominous, consider three insights into the organization’s nature and ambitions:
First, here’s the MB’s creed: 
“Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”  (Source: Husain Haqqani and Hillel Fradkin, “Islamist Parties: Going Back to the Origins.”)
Second, here’s the Muslim Brotherhood’s mission in America:
“A kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within, sabotaging its miserable house with their [i.e., Americans'] hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.” (Source: Muslim Brotherhood’s “Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goals of the Group,” entered into evidence by the Department of Justice in the 2008 Holy Land Foundation terrorism-finance trial. Archived at the NEFA Foundation.)
Third, here are excerpts from the Muslim Brotherhood’s “phased plan” for accomplishing that mission:
Phase One: Discreet and secret establishment of leadership.
Phase Two: Phase of gradual appearance on the public scene and exercising and utilizing various public activities. It greatly succeeded in implementing this stage. It also succeeded in achieving a great deal of its important goals, such as infiltrating various sectors of the Government.     
Phase Three:  Escalation phase, prior to conflict and confrontation with the rulers, through utilizing mass media. Currently in progress.
Phase Four:  Open public confrontation with the Government through exercising the political pressure approach. It is aggressively implementing the above-mentioned approach. Training on the use of weapons domestically and overseas in anticipation of zero-hour. It has noticeable activities in this regard.Phase Five:  Seizing power to establish their Islamic Nation under which all parties and Islamic groups are united. (Source: Undated Muslim Brotherhood Paper entitled, “Phases of the World Underground Movement Plan.” Archived at Shariah: The Threat to America.)
In short, the Muslim Brotherhood is deadly serious about waging what it calls “civilization jihad” against the United States and other freedom-loving nations in order to secure their submission to the Islamic totalitarian political-military-legal doctrine called shariah.  The MB’s goal in this country is to replace our Constitution with theirs, namely the Koran.  And they regard this task as one commanded by none other than Allah.  (For more details on the nature, ambitions and modus operandi of the Ikhwan, see the Team B II Report, Shariah: The Threat to America).  To this end, as Andy McCarthy notes in the aforementioned essay, the MB’s senior official, Supreme Guide Muhammad Badi, has effectively declared war on the United States. 
Were there any doubt that legitimacy is what the Brotherhood is taking away from this gambit, consider this assessment from an expert in Islamic groups, Ammar Ali Hassan, cited by Associated Press:  “…The Brotherhood will likely try to float ‘conditions’ or ‘reservations’ on any dialogue to avoid a perception that it is allowing the U.S. to meddle in Egypt’s internal affairs. But in the end, the talks will give a boost to the group, he said, by easing worries some in the Brotherhood and the public have of a backlash if the Brotherhood becomes the dominant player in Egypt. ‘Now the Muslim Brotherhood will not have to worry [about] moving forward toward taking over power,’ Hassan said.”     
Unfortunately, the U.S. government’s dangerous outreach to the Brotherhood is not confined to Egypt but is systematically practiced inside the United States, as well.  For example:
  • Muslim-American organizations identified in court by the U.S. government- and, in many cases, by the Muslim Brotherhood itself – as MB fronts are routinely cultivated by federal, state and local officials. Representatives of homeland security, Pentagon, intelligence and law enforcement agencies frequently meet with and attend functions sponsored by such groups.
  • MB-associated individuals are sent as our country’s “goodwill ambassadors” to foreign Muslim nations and communities. MB-favored initiatives to insinuate shariah into the United States – notably, the Ground Zero Mosque and shariah-compliant finance, conscientious objector status for Muslim servicemen and stifling of free speech in accordance with shariah “blasphemy” laws – are endorsed and/or enabled by official institutions.
A blind eye is turned to the presence across the country of shariah-adherent mosques that incubate jihadism.peer-reviewed study published last month in Middle East Quarterly determined that 81% of a random sample of 100 mosques exhibited such qualities – constituting an infrastructure for recruitment, indoctrination and training consistent with the Brotherhood’s phased plan.
  • Under both Republican and Democratic administrations, individuals with family and other ties to the Muslim Brotherhood have actually given senior government positions. The most recent of these to come to light is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin (who also happens to be former Rep. Anthony Weiner’s wife).
It seems a safe bet that, as Team Obama legitimates Muslim Brotherhood organizations and groups overseas, it will feel ever less constrained about further empowering their counterparts in the United States.  If so, the MB will come to exercise even greater influence over what our government does and does not do about the threat posed by shariah, both abroad and here.
The absolutely predictable effect will be to undermine U.S. interests and allies in the Middle East and further catalyze the Brotherhood’s campaign to insinuate shariah in the United States and, ultimately, to supplant the Constitution with Islamic law.  Consequently, the Obama administration’s efforts to “engage” the Muslim Brotherhood are not just reckless.  They are wholly incompatible with the President’s oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” and the similar commitment made by his subordinates.

Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will discover that
Before Amin Al Husseini, there was no Pan-Islamic Jihad against the West and the non-Muslims.
Before Amin Al Husseini, there was no hatred between the Jews and the Arabs.
Why did Osama Bin Ladin say in his speech on Al Jizira that this Jihad
has been lasting for 80 years?
Because 80 years ago, Amin Al Husseini, the man who officialized Islamic hate, declared Holy War on the West and the Jews.
Bin Ladin and many other terror chiefs are only believers in Amin Al Husseini, who have dedicated their life to his ideology.

As you will see in the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH

Amin Al Husseini was a friend and close collaborator of Hitler and
Mussolini, who saw himself as the Muslim arm of the
world Nazi coalition. Husseini promised Hitler and Mussolini to turn Islam into the most formidable weapon against the West and the Jews. After the war he helped organize the creation of dictatorships all over the Muslim world, where many of his believers are now the leaders. Arafat, Saddam Hussein, Assad of Syria, and other Arab dictators were all schooled at Husseini's feet. Amin al Husseini was at different intervals the head of the Islamic World Congress, The Muslim Brotherhood, and the Arab League. As a leader of these organizations, until his death in the 70's, he had the time and possibility to spread his hate philosophy all over the Muslim world. Since Husseini's days, the whole Islamic world has been infected with armies of fascist violent groups.
Osama bin Laden and all other Muslim terror chiefs are ardent followers of Amin Al Husseini.

Read the timelines in our website TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will learn the simple history which lead to today's conflicts, so you can pass the truth to the generations to come. Read the weblinks at the end of each timeline of this website and do your own search for further sources. We are just opening up the real debate about truth.
Read our timelines to know the origin of today's antisemitism.

As you will see, there is evidence that Amin Al Husseini was the one who
first proposed the FINAL SOLUTION to the Germans, in order to avoid mass migration of Jews to their homeland and prevent the creation of the State of Israel. Read how Husseini's soldiers killed Jews and escorted Jewish refugees to the death camps. Husseini lived in Berlin during WWII and from there he broadcasted hate propaganda against Jews to the Muslim countries. Before Amin Al Husseini, Jews and Muslims lived side by side peacefully for many centuries. Husseini's influence as President of the World Islamic Congress in 1962 led to the systematic expulsion of hundred of thousands of Jews from Islamic countries.
Husseini's huge influence is at the origin of the hatred and the violence in the mid-East. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and learn for yourself.

In his lifetime, Amin Al Husseini organized and
participated in the GENOCIDES of Armenians, Christian Assyrians, Croats, Serbs, Bulgars and Gypsies first in the name of the Ottoman Empire, and later for Nazi Germany. Over 2 million Christian Sudanese have been killed by Islamic Fundamentalists who were inspired by Husseini's hateful ideology. Get informed and learn the facts for yourself from our timelines and weblinks or other sources.

The Islamo-Nazis inspired by Al Husseini are responsible for killing over 60 thousand Hindus in the last 2 decades in India alone, and for cultivating anti-Hindu hatred in the hearts of the Pakistanis, Muslim Kashmiris, and Afghans. The Hindus of Afghanistan, under Taliban rule, were forced to wear a special sign to be singled out as non-Muslims, a strong reminder of how Hitler imposed the yellow star on the Jews. In Bangladesh, over 3 million Hindus were murdered under the sword of Jihad, and by people poisoned by Husseini's hate philosophy. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and get informed on the history of the fascist Jihad against Hindus and humanity.

Was it not just a few years ago that the Taliban of Afghanistan destroyed, without reason, the world's most ancient statues of Buddha?
As you will see in TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH, this would have been unthinkable in the Muslim world before Amin Al Husseini.

In Iran, persecussion of Bahai people under Islamic rule has been covered up by Iranian officials who practice torture and murder against the Bahai in the name of Husseini's distorted version of Islam: a weapon of oppression against humanity. Get the facts and demand Justice. TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH provides you with a true insight into the root of this new paranoid philosophy called Jihad.

Read TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and you will learn that the root of this evil called fundamentalism is not original Islam, it is plain fascism. The representant of this foreign ideology in the Arab world was Amin Al Husseini, who tried to marry Nazism with Islam. Read TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and study our links for evidence that Amin Al Husseini organized and participated in terror in Islamic countries, and had Muslims mercilessly massacred by his followers. You will learn how during the years that Husseini spent at Hitler's side, he mastered the science of mass manipulation and propaganda, which characterized the Third Reich, and subsequently applied it in Arab countries, after having commited genocides in the Balkans. You will also learn how, with utter disregard for Islamic sanctity, Husseini had the late King Abdallah of Jordan, a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, assassinated in the moment of prayer. Why? Because King Abdallah was a proponent of peace with the Jews. Learn how Husseini's followers in the Muslim Brotherhood also assassinated Egyptian President Sadat, and participated in the first attack on the World Trade Center. TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH reveals how, because of groups linked with Husseini's fascist ideology, at least 2 hundred thousand Muslims have died in Algeria in the past decade, where Islamic fundamentalists slaughter their victims daily, thus desecrating Islam and the Kur'an. Our timlelines and weblinks show how Two million Sudanese lost their life to this tyranny in the name of Islam. One million, mostly Christians, have been massacred over the past forty years in East Timor and Indonesia. It is of utmost importance for Muslims to learn about and radically reject Husseini's version of Islam, which is really anti-Islamic and was actually borrowed from the German Nazis. TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH shows that Husseini hosted among the most notorious Nazis who survived World War II in Syria and had them organize terror and policing in Arab countries. Husseini's use of the Holy Book of Islam as a tool of hate was not new: Hitler and Mussolini had done the same using the Bible. Our website will make this clear to everyone : The suicide attackers do not carry out their shocking missions until they have been fed Husseini's poisonous interpretations of Islam. The last free voices of Islam are warning us that this Husseini/Wahhabi poison is being injected daily in mosques worldwide. The message to all of Husseini's followers must be simple and direct: If Islam before Husseini was good enough for generations of peaceful believers who could live side by side with other peoples, then it is still good enough for all Muslims today. Have the answer ready when your children ask you : " Why Islam?"
The dream of a brutal Islamic world take-over is not and never was original Islam. It originated in a sick and hateful mind dedicated to trick and manipulate millions of Muslims into being the unconscious carriers of hatred against humanity. His name : Amin Al Husseini. Read the timelines of TELL CHILDREN THE TRUTH and study our links so you can tell the story. The more people know about it, the sooner all will be free from the Husseini nightmare, and our children will have the chance to awaken to a better world.

  3. President of Muslim Brotherhood and main inspiration.

17. War on the West

19. Links to Gypsy genocide.
20. Amazigh Resistance.
20. Mussolini's Aggression
1. Al Qaeda: Osama Bin Laden
The Afghan War: the CIA-connection with Osama Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda. 
Muslim Brotherhood connection. International Islamic Front for Jihad Against the United States and Israel

American Oil Company UNICAL doing business with the Jihad movement, today and yesterday.

Osama Bin Laden proclaims his allegiance to Ottoman Empire and  its notion of Islamic dominion.  
2. Algerian Genocide: A quarter million murders and counting.
 3. Amin Al Husseini
Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.  The Palestinian Crisis.
Amin Al-Husseini joins the Ottoman Empire. His life.
1. Head of Supreme Muslim Council.

 2. Founder of World Islamic Congress.

3. President of Muslim Brotherhood and main inspiration.

4. Palestine Riots using a propaganda of disinformation, pitting Muslim against Jew.

5. Amin Al Husseini: The Nazi. The Hanzar Division of SS Muslim Troops
. Hitler sent a miniature Coran to each soldier

Nazis sponsor Palestine riots lead by Amin Al-Husseini. Himmler, Head of Nazi SS troops,
close friend of Mufti.  Connection with Arafat.

6. Serbian Genocide under Amin Al Husseini and Hitler.


7. Official Palestinian Site in German pledging allegiance to Husseini, calling him
“The Fuhrer of
Palestine”.  Official site of Palestinian-German Alliance today.
4.Arab League
Amin Al Husseini: Co-Founder of Arab League.  “Murder the Jews!”
5. Armenian Genocide under Islamic Empire. One and a half million murders
6. East Timor Massacre: One Million killed.
Jihad training camps in indonesia
Indonesian Muslims call for 'jihad' against Christians

7. Example of Nazi infiltration into the Muslim-Arab World: 

8. Foreign web-sites:
Mussolini/Husseini Connection.  Italian Websites.

Amin Al Husseini.  German Websites
9. Intifada and Palestine.
. Close ties between Saddam Hussein and Yasser Arafat.             
. Timeline of the history of Palestine since 1947
. Hamas: First Intifada and origins
. Let the Children do the killing. 
. Saudi telethon raises 55 million dollars on Palestinian martyrs
. Saddam Hussein offers 25,000$ for Palestinian children suicide bombers.

 10. Iraq. Amin Al Husseini, Kharaillah Tulfah and Saddam Hussein.  
Amin Al-Husseini declares Fatwa against the West in 1941.
 . Mufti’s Headquarter in 1939
.  Pro-Nazi coup in Iraq lead by Amin Al-Husseini

. 11. Kurdish Genocide. Tale of atrocities.
   Halapja massacre of Iraqi Kurds.

. Details on Iran-Iraq War
. Close ties between Saddam Hussein and Yasser Arafat.
12. Muslim Brotherhood
a. Amin Al Husseini: President of Muslim Brotherhood

b.  Main vector for Wahhabism, Nazism and the Jihad against non-Muslims
that lead to September 11, 2001.  Connections with Mufti, Amin Al Husseini.

c. Connection between Muslim Brotherhood and Osama Bin Laden.

d. Jihad Islami/Egyptian Islamic Jihad: Branch of Muslim Brotherhood. Dr Zahawiri.

e. HamasBranch of Muslim Brotherhood.  Connections to Amin Al Husseini.
. Hamas is financed by Saudi Arabia

f. Muslim Brotherhood and Desire to overthrow current Egyptian government.

 13. Nazis Find Refuge in Arab Lands.  ODESSA network (1949-1952).
Nazis find refuge in Arab lands.

Francois Genoud: Hitler’s Banker/Mufti’s Banker.

Nazi opinion on Islam

14. Pakistan/Bangladesh. Bastion of Jihad.  Kafir genocide. the root of the Hindu/Bangladesh genocide. 
Three Million murders. Wahhabism and Muslim Brotherhood (ex: Jihad Islami) at the root of conflict.
  Kashmir crisis.
 15. Sudanese Genocide  under the Muslim Brotherhood. Two million murders and counting.

16. Wahhabism: Official religion of Saudi Arabia and Al Qaeda
. Saudi telethon raises 55 million dollars on Palestinian martyrs
Hassan El Banna, founder of Muslim Brotherhood. His ideology.

17. War on the West and America.
. Yasser Arafat vows to destroy America.
.  First attack on the World Trade Center. 

. Bin Laden, Muslim Brotherhood and September 11th

18. Yasser Arafat: Number One disciple. Palestine and Amin Al Husseini.
. Yasser Arafat: Nazi trained. Washington Post, August 9th, 2002 (article by David N.Bossie).

Yasser Arafat: His career
. Palestinian Liberation Organization.
.  Take-over of Jordan and overthrow King Hussein of Jordan. Black September
. Destruction of Lebanon
. Syrian involvement in Lebanon War .  Hizbollah. Imad Mughnyeh.
. Tanzim, Military branch of Yasser Arafat’s Fatah

  -Return to menu-

Example of Nazi infiltration into the Muslim-Arab World

Radio Islam.


Gypsy Genocide

Amazigh Resistance

Cultural Aparthied in North Africa -

Sites on Mussolini’s aggression


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