Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New law tells Muslim women, “Lift your veil or go to jail.”


Do not pass go. Do not collect $200 or a bigger payoff by filing an “Islamophobia” lawsuit.

THE NSW government has been accused of politically intimidating Muslims with its proposal to change the law so police can demand the removal of burqas for identification purposes. Muslim women can be forced to remove their face veils during routine car stops under new powers granted to NSW police.
The NSW powers, among the toughest burqa laws in the world, are aimed at ensuring police can properly identify motorists and others suspected of committing crimes. Under the NSW laws, police can now order people to remove any kind of head covering, including garments such as burkas and niqabs, during routine stops.
However, Hizb ut-Tahrir, a global political movement that wants Muslim nations united under a caliphate said, ”For us, it’s a case of political intimidation,” Sydney spokesman Uthman Badar said. ”It’s not a police issue, it’s the fact that a non-issue has been turned into an issue. It happened before with the anti-terror laws and this is doing the same thing.” 
(Maybe Australians are telling you to abide by their laws or get the hell out?)  

Afghans are warning of dire consequences for the country’s tiny Christian population should American forces leave Afghanistan. “If U.S. troops are not in Afghanistan the Taliban will come to power,” said Obaid S. Christ, an Afghan Christian exiled to India.

The U.S.-backed government headed by President Hamid Karzai has been no friend to Christian converts either. Earlier this year two civilian courts sentenced to death jailed Afghan Christians for changing their religion. 
But a more recent, gruesome incident makes clear that the danger for anyone turning from Islam in Afghanistan is not over. A video released in recent weeks, and made available to WORLD this week by two separate Afghan sources, shows four Afghan militants beheading a man believed to be a Christian in Herat Province.
The militants, who claim to be Taliban, captured the victim, a man in his 40s named Abdul Latif, earlier this year from his village outside Enjeel, a town south of Herat.
In the two-minute video, the men, wearing explosive belts (or suicide vests) and kaffiya head scarves to cover their faces, recite verses from the Quran while forcing Latif to the ground and pinning him with their feet. “You who are

joined with pagans . . . your sentence [is] to be beheaded,” read one of the militants in Farsi from what looked like a paper decree. “Whoever changes his religion should be executed.” The passages refer to Sura 8:12 (“I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks . . .”) and the hadiths, or sayings of Mohammed.
As Latif fought his captors from the ground, one of the militants thrust a medium-sized blade into the side of his neck. With blood flowing onto the ground the militants shouted “Allahu Akhbar” or “God is great” over and over until Latif was fully beheaded and his head was placed on top of his chest.
The brutal killing followed a now-too-familiar pattern used in other beheadings captured on video, notably the killings of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Pakistan in 2002 and U.S. defense contractor Nick Berg in Iraq in 2004. It also likely coincided with a Taliban-incited mob attack on the UN compound in Mazar-e-Sharif in April that followed the March burning of Qurans in the United States by pastor Terry Jones’ church in Florida. After that incident an estimated 4,000 Afghans poured into the streets of Mazar and marched on the compound, killing 10 UN officials—and reportedly beheading two of them. 

Nobody has yet released this video to the public, but you can see some similar ones here: beheadings-r-us-warning-graphic-images

MUSLIM TERRORISTS in Britain being taught to pretend to be gay to avoid detection


A new terror training manual tells Islamic extremists to lie about their sexuality if a woman approaches them in case she is a “honeytrap” spy sent by security services.

The handbook, which was uncovered by a Sunday Mirror investigation, says: “Many hotels – especially in busy UK cities – have women hanging around the lobby areas in order to attract men. “A young beautiful woman may come and talk to you. The first thing you do to protect yourself from such a situation is to make dua (prayers) to Allah for steadfastness.

“The second thing is to find an excuse to get away from her that is realistic and sensible, such as you having a girlfriend for the past few years and you are loyal to her or you are homosexual.”

The suggestion is one of many tips in the manual, called Class Notes From The Security and Intelligence Course. The 64-page guide, all in English, was written to try to stop the police and MI5 uncovering the identity of terrorists plotting attacks on British soil.
It was produced by Taliban warlords in Afghanistan and was discovered by Sunday Mirror investigators on a password-protected Jihadist website used by UK cells. It has emerged just months after MI5 launched a recruitment drive for women to work as spies.
The guide was placed online after Osama Bin Laden was killed, suggesting Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders are determined to launch revenge attacks on the UK.
Its introduction says: “Our aim is to publish an English version of a training course to provide basic principles of security for working brothers in Europe.” Other advice warns fanatics not to mix with neighbours too much and to wear sunglasses to make themselves harder to identify. There are also tips on driving a getaway car during a terror plot.

Nobody has yet released this video to the public, but you can see some similar ones here: beheadings-r-us-warning-graphic-images


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