Tuesday, May 24, 2011

MUSLIM Basteds Atrocities against Hindus in INDIA ??


It doesn’t matter whether you are Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, or any other religion. If you are not a Muslim, you are the target of Muslim persecution and slaughter.

 Muslims sprayed bullets on Prof. Muhari, a renowned Bangladeshi Hindu educationalist. (Source: Mukto-Mona)

Documenting Reality - 58 Hindus, most of them returning from Ayodhya, were killed and 43 injured when Muslims attacked the Sabarmati Express and set afire four of its coaches at Godhra railway station in Gujarat on February 27th, 2002. The other images are from an attack at a Hindu temple using machetes plus two other random attacks.

Muslims must realize the Hindus of India will not tolerate terrorist attacks on our people. Muslims will not understand peace unless steps of this nature are taken” – Nilkant (last name unknown), Godhra
“Muslims are 90% of today’s world trouble. If we sit back and let them kill, they will only do it more” – Shivshankar Trivedi, Ahmedabad
“The world nations must take care of their Muslim problem today before it’s too late and realize that the problem should be treated as a top priority. Islamic history has shown how brutal it can be once it has gained control of your nation” – Ravi Chudasama, Ahmedabad

If you don’t want to see the rest of these graphic photographs, scroll down fast now.

A Hindu man who was brutally tortured and then murdered by Muslims in Bangladesh

The bodies of 44 dead Hindu children lay on the floor of the civil hospital in Gandhinagar after Muslim militants stormed the Akshardham temple in Gandhinagar


The people of Mufreesboro, Tennessee spent more than a year fighting to block construction of a giant mosque, already the target of arsonists, in their quiet neighborhood. But a left wing IslamoFascist-sympathizing judge sided with the Muslims and has given the mosque a go-ahead.

 A hugely controversial mosque in Tennessee has been given the green light despite massive local opposition. A lawsuit claiming plaintiffs would be ‘harmed by the risk of terrorism and Sharia law’ if construction went ahead was thrown out by a judge yesterday.

Now, after 16 months of court hearings and protests, the leaders of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro will start building the mosque.
Last September there was a huge fire at the site, which was blamed on arsonists angry about the building of the Islamic place of worship. It’s thought the opposition to the site was part of a wider anti-Muslim backlash over plans to build another mosque near Ground Zero. 

Demonstrators have also protested against a mosque in California, and Christian preachers in Gainesville, Florida have been to court to insist on their right to burn copies of the Koran. 
A lawsuit seeking to halt the construction of the mosque had been filed last September. It claimed the plaintiffs ‘have been and will be irreparably harmed by the risk of terrorism generated by proselytizing for Islam and teaching the practices of Sharia law’. 

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