Saturday, May 7, 2011

Islam is Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you ?

Editorial, Arab News, Saudi Arabia, August 16, 2010:

Unfortunately there are people who think mosques are breeding grounds for terrorism. (They ARE) No matter what Muslims do or say and how much they condemn terrorism, they are still all guilty in the eyes of many (99.9% of terrorist attacks are committed by Muslims, that’s why). The anti-mosque people were probably anti-Muslim before 9/11. (Actually, no we weren’t, they hadn’t become a problem at that time)
This mosque to the paranoid few will not become an Al-Qaeda hotbed. It can serve as a benevolent haven for New York Muslims who have felt isolated, ostracized and dishonored ever since 9/11. (Dishonored? Why would anyone honor a paedophile prophet worshipper? There were a handful of attacks (non lethal) on Muslims. The fact that they remain here is proof that nobody bothered them. Build that damn mosque, though, and that will change)

M.J. Akbar, columnist, Khaleej Times of Dubai, August 16, 2010:

Ignorance is too generous an alibi for [former U.S. House speaker Newt] Gingrich and [former Alaska Gov. Sarah] Palin. They have been candidates for the most powerful job in the world. It is foolish to dismiss them as fools. (Fools? They only expressed what a vast majority of Americans believe)

A mosque at Ground Zero will interfere with their politics, in which the Muslim must be etched as an irredeemable zealot with manic eyes and foaming mouth (what they are); the mosque must be distorted into a fountainhead of hatred; (what it is) and every Muslim be blamed for the sins of the few bigots and terrorists who perpetrated 9/11. (What about the more than 15,000 Islamic terror attacks that have occurred since 2002?) A range of political forces has a vested interest in the myth of the mad Muslim as the last evil standing between civilization and chaos. (Well, when the 7th century barbarian label fits….)

Editorial, Dawn News, Karachi, Pakistan, August 16, 2010:

Unfortunately, some American politicians appear to have calculated that Islamophobia is a potent vote-getter. But that is as dangerous as it is self-defeating. Al Qaeda and militant Islamists could probably not dream of a better propaganda opportunity: see, they will say, America really is against Islam. The furor over the mosque isn’t winning hearts and minds for America, it is poisoning them. (Hopefully it will encourage Muslims not to come here)

Editorial, The Peninsula, Qatar, August 16, 2010:

Opponents of the Islamic Center are opponents of religious harmony and wanted to perpetuate a harmful stereotype against Islam. (Pot, Kettle, Black)

Aijaz Zaka Syed, opinion editor of the UAE daily Khaleej Times, writing in Egypt’s Al Ahram Weekly:

The entire U.S. media and rightwing brigade are acting as if Muslims have invaded America and are building a monument to Osama Bin Laden at the site where the World Trade Center once stood. (Aren’t they?)
Muslims must use this opportunity to clear the cobwebs clouding the image of their faith in the minds of Americans.(Cobwebs? Americans are finally starting to see Muslims for what they are) They have an opportunity to remind and explain to Americans, and the world, that the destruction that struck the Twin Towers does not represent Islam, but peace, compassion and equality do.(It does represent Islam as proven by Islam’s holy books:)

In the  Cordoba mosque initiative, America and Muslims have an opportunity to repair their long-frayed relations and build bridges for a shared future. The wounds inflicted by the US wars and policies in the Muslim world are deep, but gestures like these could make them less painful. (We don’t want to heal anything. We want you out of our country. Notice how America is the only one to blame here)

Hussein Shobokshi, columnist, pan-Arab daily Asharq Al-Awsat, August 10, 2010:

The Zionist-Christian extremist discourse is completely detached from the principles on which the United States was based, both in principle and in theory. Only ideas that are most beneficial for all survive, and extremism has no room regardless of its location, nationality or shape. (Ah, yes, the Zionist thing, it always comes back to Israel. Look at this raghead telling US about our founding principles)

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