Saturday, June 25, 2011

Wake up OBAMA Basted Shari’a Law in USA ???

It’s illegal for cab drivers to refuse to take a passenger because he is carrying liquor bottles or using a guide dog. But they are getting away with it at the Minneapolis Airport because a majority of cab drivers there are Somali Muslims.

Since 2001, there have been more than 5,000 instances of Muslim cab drivers at the Minneapolis- St. Paul Airport refusing to transport passengers carrying alcohol or blind people with seeing eye dogs.

Saudi Arabia will begin issuing tourist visas for the first time. Travel to the desert kingdom has been limited to business, employment, pilgrimages and specially approved visits, but in the next several weeks a new tourism council will be enacted to promote the country in world markets.

WND - Saudi Arabia is thrilled to welcome tourists from around the world….with just a few exceptions:

• Forbidden from entry are are Israeli passport holders or any person holding a passport that has an Israeli arrival/departure stamp.

• Forbidden from entry are those who don’t abide by the Saudi traditions concerning appearance and behaviors. In other words, women must be covered from head to toe, preferably in black, except for her eyes and must never appear alone in public without a male relative

 • Forbidden from entry are those under the influence of alcohol

* Forbidden from entry are Jewish People from any nation

* Non-Muslims are prohibited from entering the city of Mecca at any time

And a few rules:

•  If a woman arrives in the country alone, the sponsor or her husband must receive her at the airport.

•  Every woman must have confirmed accommodation for the duration of her stay in the Kingdom, the rules say.

•  A woman is not allowed to drive a car and can therefore only travel by car if she is accompanied by her husband, a male relative or a driver.

Foreign tourists will enjoy swimming, tanning and water sports in our warm seas in fall and winter, and all-year activities like mountaineering, hiking, car racing and conferences. But women must wear head to toe loose-fitting black body sacks in order to engage in sports, including water sports.


Hamas-affiliated CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) in conjunction with UC Berkeley (what a surprise) University  collaborated on the report entitled “Same Hate, New Target.” The publication connects well-known figures who induce Islamophobic sentiment including Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and Osama bin Laden.


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